Our research
Current projects
Destitution Domestic Violence Concession – Monitoring Research Report
Eaves and Southall Black Sisters have published the findings of a one year monitoring project on the implementation of the Destitution Domestic Violence (DDV) Concession scheme introduced in April 2012. The DDV Concession was introduced to provide financial assistance and support to women who are applying for Indefinite Leave to remain under the Domestic Violence Immigration rules. www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/visas-immigration/while-in-uk/domesticviolence
The monitoring set out to monitor the implementation of the scheme by different agencies and specifically focused on four key areas:
• How the scheme is being implemented when women regularise their immigration status.
• How the scheme is being implemented when women try to access financial support and benefits.
• What support needs women and the organisations supporting them have when using the scheme
• Finally, informed by the findings of the monitoring, practical recommendations for future policy and practice are provided.
Download the full report.
Download the Executive Summary.
The project was funded by Unbound Philanthropy. (www.unboundphilanthropy.org)
Cycles of harm: Problematic alcohol use amongst women involved in prostitution
Eaves have just completed a small study looking at problematic alcohol use amongst women involved in prostitution. The study was funded by Alcohol Research UK and builds on the findings of Breaking down the barriers, which identified problematic drug and/or alcohol use as the most common barrier (obstacle) faced by women exiting prostitution. The new study explored this barrier with greater depth, focusing specifically on problematic alcohol use. This study aimed to:
- Look at why and when women involved in prostitution use alcohol problematically
- Explore and compare the ways in which women involved in different aspects of the sex industry use alcohol
- Explore the different ways in which women use alcohol and how this relates to their involvement in prostitution and impacts on exiting
- Enable practitioners working with women involved in prostitution who have problematic alcohol use to gain a better understanding of the relationship between the two, thereby informing more effective interventions.
The final report can be downloaded here.
The criminalisation of women involved in prostitution
Eaves are undertaking a research project exploring the criminalisation of women involved in prostitution. The project, funded by the LankellyChase Foundation, builds on the findings of Breaking down the barriers, which found that having a criminal record for prostitution-related offences can act as a barrier to exiting.
The research aims to explore in greater depth how women are criminalised for their involvement in prostitution, including:
- The ways in which convictions and different outcomes for prostitution-related offences impact on women involved in prostitution;
- How a criminal record for prostitution-related offences can act as a barrier (obstacle) to exiting;
- How this barrier may be linked to, and interact with, other barriers women may face when exiting;
- The enduring impact that a criminal record for prostitution-related offences can have on women, including post-exit.
For further information on the project contact Laura Brown or Lisa Young.
Lambeth Council Research
We have been commissioned by Lambeth Council to conduct a research study to assess the impact of Lambeth’s prostitution strategy. As part of this research we are gathering information on men’s patterns of paying for sex in the borough.
Beyond Irregularity
Eaves is currently a partner on the “Beyond Irregularity” research that the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) is leading on in collaboration with international partners. The project aims to create an evidence base which will enable governments, the EU and other stakeholders to better manage and prevent irregular migration from sub-Saharan African countries and transit in Morocco to the EU. Read more.
Capital Exploits: A study of prostitution and trafficking in London
In June, Eaves published the final report for a six month research project funded by the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC). The research looked at prostitution and trafficking for the purposes of prostitution in the 33 London boroughs.
The research aimed to explore:
- The extent of prostitution and trafficking in the capital – including borough breakdowns of ‘hotspots’;
- Emerging trends and patterns in London’s sex industry;
- The experiences and needs of women involved in prostitution;
- Current support provision in London highlighting gaps and levels of unmet need;
- The impact of different policing and criminal justice responses to prostitution and trafficking;
- Emerging good practice and innovation;
- Barriers to progress on this agenda;
- Recommendations for policy and service commissioning guidance.
Download the final report.
Breaking down the barriers: a study of how women exit prostitution
Eaves and London South Bank University have been working on a joint two-year research project, supported by the Big Lottery Fund. The research assessed the effectiveness of support services for women wanting to leave prostitution. Interviews were undertaken with 114 women who were currently and formerly involved in on and off-street prostitution, as well as women who had been trafficked into prostitution. Read more.
The full and final report will be published at the end of 2013.
Getting it right for victims and witnesses (April 2012)
The consultation set out the Government’s proposals to reform the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme (CICS), to protect compensation payments for those most seriously injured, while removing less serious injuries such as sprains, and restricting payments to those with criminal convictions.
Forced Marriage (March 2012)
The consultation asked whether Forced Marriage should become a specific criminal offence or not. It also sought views on how protection of victims could be strengthened.