Reports and Consultations

Eaves carries out extensive research which provides crucial evidence of the nature and scale of violence against women.

Many of the reports below include statistics and real-life case studies that are drawn directly from women who have experienced violence against women.

Our most recent research report “Settling In” was launched in parliament in June 2015 and looks at the experiences of women from outside of the EU who marry British nationals and settle in the UK:

‘Women from all over the world might find themselves in a relationship with a British national and ultimately coming to settle as a spouse or partner, have children together and make a permanent life here. Who are these spouses or partners? What is it like trying to settle in to UK life in this way? What does “integration” mean to these individuals as opposed to the policy makers and academics who normally define the term? These are some of the questions addressed in new research by Eaves.’

The research takes a comprehensive look at the migratory experience for these women by considering employment, education, language, housing, travel, access to services, social life, media rhetoric on migration and support for domestic violence. The report concludes with recommendations from the women themselves on how to improve this process for others in a similar position.

You can read the full report below.

Women and migration

Title Date View

Settling In: Experiences of Women on Spousal Visas in the UK

June 2015Download

Destitution Domestic Violence Concession – Monitoring Research Report

December 2013Download


Title Date View

Of Human Bondage: trafficking in women and contemporary slavery in the UK

August 2009Download

Male-ordered: the mail-order bride industry and trafficking in women for sexual and labour exploitation

February 2009Download

Routes In, Routes Out: quantifying the gendered experience of trafficking to the UK

August 2008Download

POPPY Project Outreach Service: a review of work to date: January – September 2007

January 2008Download

Detained: Prisoners with No Crime

January 2008Download

Rape and sexual assault

Title Date View

Just Representation? Press Reporting and the Reality of Rape

February 2008Download


Title Date View

Cycles of harm: Problematic alcohol use amongst women involved in prostitution

November 2013Download

Capital Exploits: A study of prostitution and trafficking in London

June 2013Download

Breaking down the barriers: a study of how women exit prostitution

November 2012Download

Men Who Buy Sex: who they buy and what they know

December 2009Download

Sex in the City: Mapping Commercial Sex Across London

August 2004Download

Honour Based Violence

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January 2014Download

Women and media

Title Date View

‘Just the Women’ - An evaluation of eleven British national newspapers’ portrayal of women over a two week period

December 2012Download


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Our response to HMIC findings on police handling of domestic abuse

March 2014Download

Response to Amnesty consultation on prostitution

March 2014Download

Punishment and Reform: Effective Community Sentences & Effective Probation Services Consultations Response

June 2012Download

Home Office Domestic Violence disclosure scheme

January 2012Download